An emerging artist who has successfully made the transition from fashion designer to professional painter, Hollie is very quickly gaining a loyal following of collectors who adore her strong vibrant use of colour and expressive landscape paintings.
Hollie's art focuses on landscapes, capturing light and transforming it into vibrant blocks of colour. Her work emphasizes spontaneity and the memories associated with a place. She strives to convey not just the visual scene, but also her personal thoughts and emotions experienced while immersed in the landscape.
Living in Kent, she's particularly drawn to the expansive agricultural landscapes. The ever-present sky, a source of inspiration and personal comfort, plays a crucial role in her work. Its light influences the clarity and intensity of the colours in the land below. Natural patterns, such as the lines of crops or the rolling contours of the terrain, are also a significant source of inspiration for her.
Her brightly coloured paintings will add a pop of colour to a muted interior or an additonal layer of vibrancy to an already colourful home! Choose from strong statement pieces or smaller flashes of joyful colour and pattern.